World News

Channel 14, Channel 12 and the Pact of Silence

By Andrea Tucci, Since the war began, the Israeli media found itself at a critical juncture, navigating the trauma of a nation that was shaken by unprecedented violence and quickly retreated into a deeply-entrenched perception of historical victimhood. News broadcasters responded to this national trauma, by slipping further into tight

I Shall not hate

By Adriano Izzo – Civil lawyer and President of the Gennaro Santilli Foundation ETS, Go watch the film I Shall Not Hate by the talented

The War Within the War

by Andrea Tucci, The Lebanese government has estimated that around 310,000 people, most of them Syrians, have fled the country since Israel began its assault

“Bibi Files”

By Andrea Tucci, Already beset by a serious image problem

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The Lost Roots

by Andrea Tucci, Just over a hundred years ago, Greece